My present for my birthday to come: Monaluna's Sew happy. I love it! It's the fabric I really thought it could make a quilt for me (oh, I'm so picky when it comes to me :D) The rest of the fabrics I was planning to use for my quilt are not here yet, but I decided I had enough to make a supermom quilt.
Really, who else has time to
- make coffee,
- breakfast,
- get a lot of supplies,
- sew
- and still feel like a modern Audrey Hepburn
while beeing a wotk at home mom?
Yes, supermoms!
A little bit of red, to really wake you up in the morning

A little more blue, to keep you calm and dreaming

With Rita's binding done perfect this time (ok, I admit, once I used 1/4 inch instead of 4-6mm things got a lot smoother), this is definitly my new favorite quilt. (Aren't they all? :D)
Fabulous! I love how you've restricted the colour palette, it makes the designs really pop! Monaluna make the cutest fabric, don't they? Well done on the machine binding. I tried it once, and it was terrible! I know more practice is required, but I would rather just do it once, and right (by hand) and know it will be okay.